Henschke Distributors

For all Henschke distribution and wholesale enquiries, please see the relevant details below. If you are unable to find what you are looking for, contact our sales team.  

Australian Distributor

Henschke is distributed across Australia by Mezzanine The Fine Wine Specialist. For state specific enquiries, please refer to the contact details below.

New South Wales State Manager: Christian Pretto

Queensland State Manager: Craig Haworth

Victorian State Manager: Paul Marinelli

Western Australian State Manager: Adam Sharpe

South Australian State Manager: Nick Kay

Tasmanian Sales Manager: Josh Napolitano

International Distributors

Henschke wines are available worldwide. Our distributor for the UK and Ireland is Liberty Wines. Other countries are serviced by Hill-Smith Family Estates (formerly Negociants International). Please select a country below to view more information.

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