Jerusalem Artichoke Custard, New Season Garlic, Soy, Borlotti Beans

Jerusalem Artichoke Custard, New Season Garlic, Soy, Borlotti Beans

Recipe by Owner and Executive Chef – Brent Savage

BENTLEY GROUP: Monopole, Bentley, Cirus, Yellow, King Clarence - Sydney

Serves 6 as an entrée

Jerusalem Artichoke Custard
500g Jerusalem artichokes, peeled
400ml water
4 eggs
50g butter
2g gellan
Salt and white pepper, to taste

Garlic and Bean Garnish
6 heads young / green garlic
2 radishes
6 chestnuts, peeled
300ml olive oil
6 golden beetroot
200g borlotti beans, podded
1 tsp salt
50g butter
30ml water
200g soybeans, podded

Mustard Dressing
40g Dijon mustard
20ml sherry vinegar
40ml vegetable oil
20ml extra virgin olive oil

Brik Pastry
20g clarified butter
2 sheets brik pastry

Nasturtium leaves
Mustard cress leaves

Jerusalem artichoke custard
Slice the artichokes into 1cm thin pieces. In a medium saucepan, place the artichokes, water and butter and cook on a medium heat until artichokes have completely softened. Remove from heat and place in an upright blender. Add the eggs and gellan, and blend into a smooth puree. Pass through a fine sieve. Return to the saucepan and cook on a medium heat until mixture reaches 85C. Season to taste. Cool mixture over ice until set, then place in a piping bag, ready to serve. Serve at room temperature.

Garlic and bean garnish
In a medium saucepan, place the garlic (whole), radish and chestnuts with the olive oil and cook on a low heat. Remove the radish after 5 min and continue to cook the garlic and chestnuts for a further 15min, or until the garlic and chestnuts are soft. (NB: The chestnuts may need to be removed before the garlic if they have softened) Strain and set aside. Pre-heat the oven to 170C.
Wrap the red beetroot together in foil. Place in the oven for 30 minutes. Remove the beetroot from the oven and peel. Cut in half.
In a small saucepan, cover the borlotti beans with water and season with salt, then cook on a medium heat for 12min Strain and set aside.
In a sauté pan, place the butter and 30ml water with the garlic, soybeans, borlotti beans, chestnuts, radishes and beetroot. Before serving, warm the vegetables over a medium heat for 1min, season with salt and pepper.

Mustard dressing
In a mixing bowl, whisk the Dijon mustard and sherry vinegar together. Continue to whisk, whilst slowly pouring the vegetable oil and olive oil in. Mix until the ingredients have emulsified. Place in a bottle with a nozzle, for serving.

Brik pastry
Pre heat the oven to 170C. Melt the clarified butter in a small saucepan then using a pastry brush, brush the melted butter over the sheets of pastry. Cut the pastry into triangle shapes with a sharp knife and place on a lined baking tray (20 x 30cm). Place another piece of baking paper on top of the pastry, and then another baking tray on top of that to keep the pasty flat during baking. Place in the oven and bake for 7mins, or until pastry is crisp. Remove and allow to cool.

To serve
On a small plate, pipe the custard into a U shape. Arrange the vegetables alternately around the custard. Dot the mustard dressing around the plate. Stand pieces of brik pastry in the custard. Garnish with the nasturtium and mustard cress leaves.