2024 Vintage Update

2024 Vintage Update


“We are seeing sensational fruit expression this vintage – the whites are showing pure and intense primary fruit flavours and stunning acidity as a result of mild, dry summer conditions, especially the rieslings.

The red varieties are looking breathtaking, with impressive colour and intensity of fruit character. Early parcels indicate densely structured wines, with perfectly ripe, bright fruit and well-balanced acidity. Shiraz and grenache have been the standout varieties so far.

Focusing on canopy health in the vineyard has been vital to producing vibrant fruit this season, and this attention to detail has thankfully resulted in perfectly poised fruit for flavour and tannin ripeness with evocative aromas.

We are excited to see our Hill of Grace and Mount Edelstone single-vineyard shiraz blocks coming into the winery in the next few weeks, followed by our later ripening varieties of mataro, cabernet and nebbiolo.”

Gwyn Olsen, Senior Winemaker